Astrological Updates


An eclectic mystic and student of the esoteric, as well as a professional astrologer, Tasha Halpert began studying astrology over thirty years ago and has written for several astrological publications in the past as well as done radio astrological forecasting. Her primary focus is on how best to use the energies represented by the planetary movements. She sees the dance of the spheres as reflecting currents of energy which may be ridden or made use of rather than battering us around. She is happy to answer questions on the subject of astrology. Drop her an email at


March 2012

Provided by Tasha Halpert

March prances in on an even keel, with Mercury's entry into Aries on the 2nd, and Venus into Taurus on the 5th. There's a possibility of a tug of war on the 3rd, a potential for thinking outside of the box on the 4th and 5th, and the Full Moon on the 8th. However, on the 12th Mercury turns retrograde. That means things will begin to slow down in regard to communication and transportation, until the actual date of retrogradation.

As of the 12th, do try not to begin anything new, but do use the next three weeks to clean up what you have done already and be sure to focus on all things "re:" Review, restore, rewire, return, repair, reorganize, etc. It is a great time to be throwing things away or at least pruning collections, accumulations, and piles of papers that seem to grow every time you turn your back. It is also true that you may see people you haven't seen since the last retrograde Mercury.

The week of the 12th through the 16th is likely to be very active, bringing a variety of possibilities. For the individual, it is an excellent time to make any needed changes, or to facilitate changes already begun with the further impetus that has been added by the planets—resulting from a variety of interactions with Pluto the planet of deep change and revision. Worldwide there might be some earth changes or heavy weather, it is to be hoped without violence or loss of life.

Saturday and Sunday the 17th and 18th may bring unexpected news or travel—days to expect the unexpected. The Equinox on the 20th brings Sun into Aries. New Moon follows on the 22nd, bringing renewal and rebirth briskly forward. The 23rd and 24th provide the potential for more surprises. Things get quiet until the 28th and 29th when there could be some disappointments arriving as a necessary pruning of expectations.

May your month be filled with helpful experiences and opportunities for personal growth as well as a good helping of Joy! Tasha Halpert


February 2012

Provided by Tasha Halpert

February 1st presents a conflict between what we might want to do and what we must do. On the 3rd Neptune enters Pisces, its very own sign, for a stay of years. What can we expect? Neptune symbolizes spirituality, illusion, cinema, suffering as a result of limits possibly karmic in nature, imposed upon us. It represents spiritual or classical music, psychic information, compassionate action, intoxication, drugs of all kinds, and much more. Perhaps while it is that sign, greater clarity can be expected to emerge and the veils of illusion may dissolve to reveal truths heretofore hidden from sight. Time will tell.

On the 7th the full Moon suggests fun to be had, romance to be pursued and a heightened interest in gambling. It also falls on the day Saturn turns retrograde. Between now and later in June, when it goes direct previously encountered responsibilities may return. Delays can be expected in long term projects or processes. However, it is an excellent time to go over and tighten the nuts and bolts of whatever you have begun to construct, whether it is an actual building project or a process of some kind you have been working on.

On the 8th, Venus moves into Aries sparking an interest in all things new and fresh, the 8th and 9th are days when you may be overwhelmed with a sudden desire for something unusual or unexpected—as in falling in love. On the 13th Mercury joins Venus in Pisces, increasing our compassionate thoughts and urging us to reach out to those in need. Take time to fulfill any obligations. The 13th and 14th may bring spiritual experiences and a potential for good meditations.

Be mindful on the 15th a disappointment could cause unnecessary regrets or jealousy. It’s a good day to repair something you love or rebuild a relationship. The 16th could bring benefits if you pay attention to the opportunity. The 17th and 18th are excellent days to accomplish what you set out to do or have been working toward. The 18th also holds an opportunity to rebuild or rethink in order to achieve better results.

The 19th the Sun enters Pisces and we feel the compassion that comes from acknowledging our links with and dependence on one another. The New Moon in Pisces on the 21st suggests an emphasis on intuitive attunement to the Highest Good and attention to what we can do that is best for all. The 23rd suggests potential conflict between what we think and how we act. The 24th and 25th could hold benefits if we seek them out. The 27th and 28th indicate a chance for healing or for an opportunity to make a change for the better.


January 2012

Provided by Tasha Halpert

The overview for January is interesting, in that many of both the beginnings and the ends of each week are quite active astrologically, while the middles of the weeks are fairly quiet. Check the individual days and you will see the pattern as well as the best use for the prevailing "weather" or energy in circulation. January 1 begins rather loudly with excess of any kind showing a potential for trouble. Then things are quiet until the 6th, 7th and 8th when Mercury the messenger, signifying communications and transportation, dances with three planets and inspires acceleration of these energies with a variety of potential results. The best course is to stay focused and be mindful.

Full Moon in Cancer on the 9th has us putting our arms around family and doing our best to be nurturing to all. Then on the 12nd, 13th and 14th considerable activity with Venus, planet of choices and desire, highlights opportunities to make significant changes. This will work for the best, of course, when the choices are correct. Illusions can interfere with correctness, so stay mindful of your options. Other aspects during these days include a prevailing forcefulness, coupled with opportunities for transformation. Keep your options open and recognize when you need to calm down and be rational.

The 19th instills responsibility, whether wanted or not. Take time to structure your plans for success. Sun into Aquarius on the 20th brings a quirky flavor to the next four weeks. Expect the unexpected. Look for an opportunity for some special changes to materialize. On the 21st and 22nd beware of overindulgence. New Moon in Aquarius suggests over the next six months we work with groups to be of help to those in need. Friendships begun now will be special. Mercury and Mars combine to create verbal strength and force, then at night Mars turns retrograde for a period of time and slowdowns may emerge as well as innovative ways to solve problems. The 27thand 28th present more opportunities to communicate, exaggerate, and innovate. By taking responsibility for your words and communications you will save yourself difficulty and perhaps benefit greatly.



Watchers of the Skies

by Dean Carter

The year 2012 and the times leading up to it equal one great eruption of "space weather"as we come into alignment on the lateral plane with the centre of the Milky Way, known to the Mayans as Hunah Nu, to the Rabbis as ReShITH Ha GILGULIM, the "swirlings of Creation" and to us rather less glamorously, as Sagittarius A*, the black hole that sits at the heart of the galaxy. A vast amount of electromagnetic energy spews out from the centre of the galaxy on this plane, and the precessional "Great" or "Platonic'"year, the way in which our Earth wobbles in space, brings us more into alignment with these energies at the beginning of the cycle, when Earth is in an age of Aquarius, and at the opposite sign, an age of Leo.

On the morning of the Winter Solstice 2012, the sun will rise exactly at the crossing point of the ecliptic and this plane/the centre of the galaxy, our Galactic Father, Hunah Nu/ReShITH Ha GILGULIM. This is the Great or Solar or Cosmic cross spoken of by Nostradamus and other holders of esoteric knowledge. The energies are always being generated, but our situation in relation to it alters through time, reaching points of maximum connection only in these nodal points. To use an analogy from old-fashioned technology : it's only when the needle comes into contact with the record that you can hear the music, which is otherwise just a disc full of potential information that is, until then, mute.

No location, it seems these days, is safe and spared. The predictions as to exactly what will happen in 2012, indeed as to what is already happening as we run up to it and past it, are bewilderingly wide-ranging and vary completely from one source to another...but all agree that upheaval is unavoidable, whether on the inner planes or outer.